Demo scripts


All examples presented here are available from the tracx_demo_data repository. You will find the matlab scripts as well as the actual demo data.

$ git clone
$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Minimal working example

%% Make sure paths are set correctly

%% Configure a new tracking project
projectName = 'TracX_Yeast_SCerevisiae_Experiment'; % Project name
fileIdentifierFingerprintImages = 'BFdivide'; % Image identifier for Brigthfield images;
fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint = []; % Well position identifier if multiwell experiment.
fileIdentifierCellLineage = 'mKate'; % Image identifier for the Cell Lineage reconstruction (i.e bud neck marker).
imageCropCoordinateArray = [73 71 179 174]; % Empty if no crop has been applied in CellX, add CellX cropRegionBoundaries coordinates otherwise (from CellX_SCerevisiae_Parameter.xml).
movieLength = 30; % Number of timepoints to track 
cellsFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'CellXSegmentation', 'mKO_mKate'); % Path to segmentation results (CellX Style).
imagesFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'RawImages'); % Path to raw images.
cellDivisionType = 'asym'; % Cell division type.

% Create a tracker instance and a new project
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
Tracker.createNewTrackingProject(projectName, imagesFilePath, ...
        cellsFilePath, fileIdentifierFingerprintImages, ...
        fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint, fileIdentifierCellLineage, ...
        imageCropCoordinateArray, movieLength, cellDivisionType);
Tracker.revertSegmentationImageCrop() % Reverts the potential image crop applied by CellX to map the cell coordinates to the full image.

%% Test default tracking parameters
% Optionally tune tracking parameters for better results
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellSizeDecrease(0.6);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMeanCellDiameter(35);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellCenterDisplacement(25)
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellSizeIncrease(4)

% Dry run to test the tracking parameters
% Tracker.testTrackingParameters([1,10]) % Track from frame 1 to frame 10 for testing.

%% Run the tracker

%% Save the tracking results
Tracker.saveCurrentTrackerState() % Saves the tracker state as mat file (to continue work anytime later)
Tracker.saveTrackingProject() % Saves the tracking project.
Tracker.saveTrackerResultsAsTable() % Saves the tracking results as one column seperated table for further analysis.
Tracker.saveTrackerProjectControlImages('isParallel', false, 'maxWorkers', 12) % Save additional control images to inspect the sucess of the tracking.

Starting from generic segmentation (asymetrical)

Example for symmetrical cell division with S.cerevisae data.

Tracx can be used with results from any segmentation algorithm given labeled single page segmentation masks in tif file format. If your masks come in a multipage format please use the GUI.TracXFileConverter first.

%% Make sure paths are set correctly

%% To track a generic segmentation mask (single page tiff file with pixel 
% belonging to a cell labeled with a increasing number or binary mask) we 
% first have to convert the data and quantify potential signals.
% Note: this step will require the parallel computing toolbox and take some
% time to quantify all images.
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
imagePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'RawImages'); % Path to raw images.
segmentationPath = fullfile(demoDataPath,  'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'GenericSegmentation'); % Path to segmentation masks.
segmentationFileNameRegex = 'mask_position1520600_*'; % File identifier for the segmentation masks
imageFileNameRegex = 'BFdivide_*'; % The Brightfield or phase contrast image.
fluoTags = {'mKO', 'mKate'}; % The channels for signal quantification
Tracker.prepareDataFromSegmentationMask(imagePath, ...
    segmentationPath, segmentationFileNameRegex, ...
    imageFileNameRegex, 'fluoTags', fluoTags)
clear Tracker

% Configure a new tracking project
projectName = 'TracX_Yeast_SCerevisiae_Experiment'; % Project name
fileIdentifierFingerprintImages = 'BFdivide'; % Image identifier for Brigthfield images;
fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint = []; % Well position identifier if multiwell experiment.
fileIdentifierCellLineage = 'mKate'; % Image identifier for the Cell Lineage reconstruction (i.e bud neck marker).
imageCropCoordinateArray = []; % Empty if no crop has been applied in CellX, add CellX cropRegionBoundaries coordinates otherwise (from CellX_SCerevisiae_Parameter.xml).
movieLength = 30; % Number of timepoints to track 
cellsFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'GenericSegmentation'); % Path to segmentation results (CellX Style).
imagesFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'RawImages'); % Path to raw images.
cellDivisionType = 'asym'; % Cell division type.

% Create a tracker instance and a new project
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
Tracker.createNewTrackingProject(projectName, imagesFilePath, ...
        cellsFilePath, fileIdentifierFingerprintImages, ...
        fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint, fileIdentifierCellLineage, ...
        imageCropCoordinateArray, movieLength, cellDivisionType);
Tracker.revertSegmentationImageCrop() % Reverts the potential image crop applied by CellX to map the cell coordinates to the full image.

%% Test default tracking parameters
% Optionally tune tracking parameters for better results
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxTrackFrameSkipping(3);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellSizeDecrease(0.6);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellCenterDisplacement(25)

% Dry run to test the tracking parameters
Tracker.testTrackingParameters([1, 30]) % Track from frame 1 to frame 30 for testing.

%% Run the tracker

%% Save the tracking results
Tracker.saveCurrentTrackerState() % Saves the tracker state as mat file (to continue work anytime later)
Tracker.saveTrackingProject() % Saves the tracking project.
Tracker.saveTrackerResultsAsTable() % Saves the tracking results as one column seperated table for further analysis.
Tracker.saveTrackerProjectControlImages('isParallel', true, 'maxWorkers', 12) % Save additional control images to inspect the sucess of the tracking.

%% Annotate a given image frame with any data property
% I.e for frame 15 we want to annotate the cell area. Skipping the property
% argument takes the track_index by default to inspect how well the
% tracking went.
Tracker.imageVisualization.plotAnnotatedControlImageFrame(15, 'cell_area')

%% Run optional lineage reconstruction

% Tune the sensitivity threshold until you only detect the true budnecks
% This tests the divisionMarkerEdgeSensitivityThresh=0.14 for frame 15 and
% will show 4 control images. Other parameters key value pairs that can be 
% modified are:
%    'divisionMarkerEdgeSensitivityThresh', 25, 
%    'divisionMarkerConvexAreaLowerThresh', 100,
%    'divisionMarkerConvexAreaUpperThresh', 5,
%Tracker.testBudNeckSegmentation(22, 'divisionMarkerEdgeSensitivityThresh', 0.15)

% Apply the relevant parameters from the test outcome
%% Test marker tracking parameters

Tracker.testMarkerTrackingParameters([1, 30], 'divisionMarkerMaxTrackFrameSkipping', 1)
% Indicate the cell division type, if optional control images should be
% saved and which channel bears the bud neck marker
% Apply the relevant parameters from the test outcome
Tracker.runLineageReconstruction('symmetricalDivision', false, ...
    'WriteControlImages', false, 'nuclearMarkerChannel', 1, 'divisionMarkerMaxTrackFrameSkipping', 1);
% Plot linaege for track 1 to console
trackToDisplay = 3;
% Plot linaege for track 1 to figure
fh = Tracker.imageVisualization.plotLineageTree(trackToDisplay, 'plotToFigure', true);
fh{trackToDisplay}.Visible = true;

%% Print the cell cycle phase information as table and save it

%% Generate an animated movie of a lineage of interest
Tracker.imageProcessing.generateLineageMovie(3, 5/60, 'Track3LineageMovie')

%% Save  marker time series control images for lineage roots
% This creates a mask overlay with the budneck marker channel and nuclear
% channel signal
Tracker.imageProcessing.generateMarkerTimeSeriesImage('cycleMarker', ...
    {'mKOk', 'mKate'}, 'isPlotMarkerSignal', true)

Starting from CellX segmentation (asymmetrical)

Example for symmetrical cell division with S.cerevisae data.

%% Make sure paths are set correctly

%% Configure a new tracking project
projectName = 'TracX_Yeast_SCerevisiae_Experiment'; % Project name
fileIdentifierFingerprintImages = 'BFdivide'; % Image identifier for Brigthfield images;
fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint = []; % Well position identifier if multiwell experiment.
fileIdentifierCellLineage = 'mKate'; % Image identifier for the Cell Lineage reconstruction (i.e bud neck marker).
imageCropCoordinateArray = [82 80 188 183]; % Empty if no crop has been applied in CellX, add CellX cropRegionBoundaries coordinates otherwise (from CellX_SCerevisiae_Parameter.xml).
movieLength = 30; % Number of timepoints to track 
cellsFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'CellXSegmentation', 'mKO_mKate'); % Path to segmentation results (CellX Style).
imagesFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'RawImages'); % Path to raw images.
cellDivisionType = 'asym'; % Cell division type.

% Create a tracker instance and a new project
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
Tracker.createNewTrackingProject(projectName, imagesFilePath, ...
        cellsFilePath, fileIdentifierFingerprintImages, ...
        fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint, fileIdentifierCellLineage, ...
        imageCropCoordinateArray, movieLength, cellDivisionType);
Tracker.revertSegmentationImageCrop() % Reverts the potential image crop applied by CellX to map the cell coordinates to the full image.

%% Constrain input by removing false positive segmentations from CellX
Tracker.testSegmentationArtefactRemoval(22, 1, 3)
% Deleted artefacts
Tracker.deleteSegArtefacts(1, 3)
%% Test default tracking parameters
% Optionally tune tracking parameters for better results
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellSizeDecrease(0.6);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMeanCellDiameter(35);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellCenterDisplacement(25)
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellSizeIncrease(4)

% Dry run to test the tracking parameters
Tracker.testTrackingParameters([1,30]) % Track from frame 1 to frame 30 for testing.

%% Run the tracker

%% Save the tracking results
Tracker.saveCurrentTrackerState() % Saves the tracker state as mat file (to continue work anytime later)
Tracker.saveTrackingProject() % Saves the tracking project.
Tracker.saveTrackerResultsAsTable() % Saves the tracking results as one column seperated table for further analysis.
Tracker.saveTrackerProjectControlImages('isParallel', false, 'maxWorkers', 12) % Save additional control images to inspect the sucess of the tracking.

%% Annotate a given image frame with any data property
% I.e for frame 15 we want to annotate the cell area. Skipping the property
% argument takes the track_index by default to inspect how well the
% tracking went.
Tracker.imageVisualization.plotAnnotatedControlImageFrame(15, 'cell_area')
%% Run optional lineage reconstruction

% Tune the sensitivity threshold until you only detect the true budnecks
% This tests the divisionMarkerEdgeSensitivityThresh=0.14 for frame 15 and
% will show 4 control images. Other parameters key value pairs that can be 
% modified are:
%    'divisionMarkerEdgeSensitivityThresh', 25, 
%    'divisionMarkerConvexAreaLowerThresh', 100,
%    'divisionMarkerConvexAreaUpperThresh', 5,
Tracker.testBudNeckSegmentation(15, 'divisionMarkerEdgeSensitivityThresh', 0.18)

% Apply the relevant parameters from the test outcome

%% Test marker tracking
% Indicate the cell division type, if optional control images should be
% saved and which channel bears the bud neck marker
Tracker.runLineageReconstruction('symmetricalDivision', false, ...
    'WriteControlImages', false, 'nuclearMarkerChannel', 1);
% Plot linaege for track 1 to console
trackToDisplay = 2;
% Plot linaege for track 1 to figure
fh = Tracker.imageVisualization.plotLineageTree(trackToDisplay, 'plotToFigure', true);
fh{trackToDisplay}.Visible = true;

%% Print the cell cycle phase information as table and save it

%% Generate an animated movie of a lineage of interest
Tracker.imageProcessing.generateLineageMovie(2, 5/60, 'Track21LineageMovie')

%% Save  marker time series control images for lineage roots
% This creates a mask overlay with the budneck marker channel and nuclear
% channel signal
Tracker.imageProcessing.generateMarkerTimeSeriesImage('cycleMarker', ...
    {'mKOk', 'mKate'}, 'isPlotMarkerSignal', true)

Starting from CellX segmentation (symmetrical)

Example for symmetrical cell division with S.pombe data.

%% Make sure paths are set correctly

% Configure a new tracking project
projectName = 'TracX_Yeast_SPombe_Experiment'; % Project name
fileIdentifierFingerprintImages = 'BFdivide'; % Image identifier for Brigthfield images;
fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint = []; % Well position identifier if multiwell experiment.
fileIdentifierCellLineage = ''; % Image identifier for the Cell Lineage reconstruction (i.e bud neck marker).
imageCropCoordinateArray = [136, 164, 526, 524]; % Empty if no crop has been applied in CellX, add CellX cropRegionBoundaries coordinates otherwise (from CellX_SCerevisiae_Parameter.xml).
movieLength = 30; % Number of timepoints to track 
cellsFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'spombe', 'CellXSegmentation'); % Path to segmentation results (CellX Style).
imagesFilePath = fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'spombe', 'RawImages'); % Path to raw images.
cellDivisionType = 'sym'; % Cell division type.

% Create a tracker instance and a new project
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
Tracker.createNewTrackingProject(projectName, imagesFilePath, ...
        cellsFilePath, fileIdentifierFingerprintImages, ...
        fileIdentifierWellPositionFingerprint, fileIdentifierCellLineage, ...
        imageCropCoordinateArray, movieLength, cellDivisionType);
Tracker.revertSegmentationImageCrop() % Reverts the potential image crop applied by CellX to map the cell coordinates to the full image.

%% Constrain input with cell area and threshold 600
Tracker.testFeatureDataRemoval(30, 'cell_area', 600)
Tracker.deleteByFeature('cell_area', 600)
%% Test default tracking parameters
% Optionally tune tracking parameters for better results
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxTrackFrameSkipping(3);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellSizeDecrease(0.6);
% Tracker.configuration.ParameterConfiguration.setMaxCellCenterDisplacement(25)

% Dry run to test the tracking parameters
Tracker.testTrackingParameters([1,10]) % Track from frame 1 to frame 10 for testing.

%% Run the tracker

%% Save the tracking results
Tracker.saveCurrentTrackerState() % Saves the tracker state as mat file (to continue work anytime later)
Tracker.saveTrackingProject() % Saves the tracking project.
Tracker.saveTrackerResultsAsTable() % Saves the tracking results as one column seperated table for further analysis.
Tracker.saveTrackerProjectControlImages('isParallel', true, 'maxWorkers', 12) % Save additional control images to inspect the sucess of the tracking.

%% Annotate a given image frame with any data property
% I.e for frame 15 we want to annotate the cell area. Skipping the property
% argument takes the track_index by default to inspect how well the
% tracking went.
Tracker.imageVisualization.plotAnnotatedControlImageFrame(15, 'cell_area')
%% Plot Tracking summary

%% Run optional lineage reconstruction
% Indicate the cell division type, if optional control images should be
% saved and which channel bears the bud neck marker
% Apply the relevant parameters from the test outcome
Tracker.runLineageReconstruction('symmetricalDivision', true, ...
    'WriteControlImages', false);
% Plot linaege for track 1 to console
% Plot linaege for track 1 to figure
fh = Tracker.imageVisualization.plotLineageTree(1, 'plotToFigure', true);
fh{1}.Visible = true;

%% Print the cell cycle phase information as table and save it

%% Generate an animated movie of a lineage of interest
Tracker.imageProcessing.generateLineageMovie(1, 5/60, 'Track1LineageMovie')

Load from Tracx project

% Makes sure paths to the data and scripts are set correctly

%% Load existing Project
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
Tracker.loadTrackingProject(demoScriptPath, 'TracX_Yeast_SCerevisiae_Experiment_Project.xml') 

%% Make sure paths are set correctly

%% Initialize Tracker
Tracker = TracX.Tracker();
Tracker.loadTrackingProject(demoScriptPath, 'TracX_Yeast_SCerevisiae_Experiment_Project') 

%% Change file paths to match your system
Tracker.configuration.ProjectConfiguration.setImageDir(fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'RawImages'));
Tracker.configuration.ProjectConfiguration.setSegmentationResultDir(fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'CellXSegmentation', 'mKO_mKate'));
Tracker.configuration.ProjectConfiguration.setTrackerResultsDirectory(fullfile(demoDataPath, 'yeast', 'scerevisiae', 'CellXSegmentation', 'mKO_mKate'));

%% Run the tracker